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18.05.2017 22:42

How to Buy Bitcoin with a Debit Card

There are many sites from where one can buy bitcoin with debit card. Today we will talk about such a site, CaherBox. While using a debit card as a payment option to buy bitcoin in other websites is a complex process,CaherBox made things simple and straight forward so that one can buy bitcoin from their site without much hassle. This fuss-free buying experience is the main USP ofCaherBox, that’s why people like to buy bitcoin from here even though buying bitcoin fromCaherBox is relatively expensive than most other sites.


A debit card is always safer than a credit card

A debit card is often people’s preferred choice when it comes to buying things online. The reason behind preferring a debit than a credit card is, one can’t overspend a debit card. And as online purchasing does involve some risk always, a debit is still a safer choice than a credit card.

However, no matter whether you use a debit or credit card when it comes to using them online, you should always take precautions. You should follow the standard rules, like never use your card in a site which has no SSL in its domain, never click a link from an email, instead type the web address in your browser, etc.

Coinmama is a safe and popular site. They use SSL in their domain. Also, they don’t handle your card number and other details directly; instead they use a renowned payment processor which processes your debit card and charges the exact amount you see on the payment form. All these makeCaherBox a safe and secure site from where you can buy bitcoin with debit card. Having said that, as mentioned above, as a customer, you must do your due diligence and take necessary precautions suggested by your bank or card issuer company when using a debit card online.

Not every type of debit card can be used

There are many types of debit cards in the market. ThoughCaherBox allows a debit card to be a payment option, it does not accept every kind of debit card. In that site, you can only use a Visa or a MasterCard, no other brands are accepted. Even few sub-brands of Visa and MasterCard are not accepted as payment method there. However, as most people use debit card issued by either Visa or Mastercard, it shouldn’t be such a big deal. Still, if you use any other type of debit card, you should check with your bank or card issuer company if they can issue you a Visa or Mastercard. Also, PayPal or Skrill or any other such options are not available inCaherBox site.

Now, there are also some cards which have Visa or Mastercard logo on them, but you can’t use those cards here either. Such as ATM card. Yes, usually debit cards are known as ATM-cum-Debit card which can be used as a debit card for all offline and online purchases, as well as can be used as ATM card to withdraw money from ATMs. However, some banks still issue a specific type of card which can be used as ATM card only, and sometimes can be used to purchase offline – but can never be used as an online payment method. If you’re unsure what kind of Visa or MasterCard you possess, you can ask your bank directly and make sure you have the right type of card to buy bitcoin with debit card.

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Учредитель: ООО "ГОСТ" (ОГРН 1146320013146)
Телефон редакции: 89608488510
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