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04.08.2016 17:14

Ritual service for foreign citizens - top quality services

For foreign citizens in the Russian Federation provides a range of guaranteed rights. Most developed countries have an international treaty in accordance with which all necessary assistance is provided to persons.

Often such assistance is expressed in the provision of funeral services to foreigners. Now a company has been created specifically for this, which will soon become a monopolist in this area and in this job.

En.ritual.ru - helps people in difficult times

The most important thing is to decide in time with the ritual company. In an extremely saturated market it is extremely difficult to do. People are literally overwhelmed with numerous offers, the main part of which is designed to make big profits.

Argued that foreigners have good financial capabilities. Therefore, cooperation with them is always more beneficial than with citizens of Russia. It is easier for foreigners to impose a complex of services at great cost. This is based on commercial funeral organizations.

In En.ritual.ru nothing like this can be. The company is formed as a subsidiary of the oldest funeral home in Russia. This directly implies high quality services and affordable prices.

If repatriation is required, the company operates according to a strictly defined algorithm. In most cases, repatriation involves the transportation of the deceased to the country of his permanent residence. This procedure consists of the following stages:

  1. Obtaining basic documentation - the fact of death must be documented.
  2. Maintenance procedures in the morgue - in the case of an autopsy.
  3. Paperwork and approval of transportation at international airports.
  4. Transportation around the city.
  5. Tracking the process of transporting the body to any country in the world.

All of the above steps can be done independently. But such attempts, as a rule, end with great difficulties for those who have taken on these obligations.

Instead, it is recommended to trust such work to professionals - En.ritual.ru. For cooperation with foreign citizens there are all the necessary conditions. The staff includes only professionals with extensive experience who are able to find an approach to customers in any situation.

To quickly and effectively address such a complex issue, it is important not to waste time searching for a company. The offer to cooperate is ready and relevant at any time. From now on, foreign citizens can count on timely and targeted assistance.

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